Best GRE Prep Books in 2022 – Reviewed

One of the steps that any prospective business school or graduate school applicant has to take on their way to a degree is to take the GRE. The GRE, otherwise known as the Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized, multiple-choice and computer-based test that is used for admission to graduate programs such as the MBA. It's an exam that measures the student's basic command of data analysis, arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The key to taking and scoring well to this test is for the student to be well prepared. To help our students prepare for this test, we've written...

Best Post Apocalyptic Books in 2022 – Reviewed

Post-apocalyptic books give readers a rare opportunity—the opportunity to see what horrors might exist after civilization has crumbled, and only remnants of humanity remain. They give the reader a look into human nature that we truly hope most of our readers won't get to see in real life. This makes this form of fiction not only entertaining but also insightful, and it's the reason why we've decided to review some of the best post-apocalyptic books that are currently available. Although it's impossible to cover the hundreds of great novels that can be found in this genre, we feel that...

Best LSAT Prep Books in 2022 – Reviewed

Becoming a lawyer isn't easy, and there's a lot of stops the potential student has to make on their way to becoming one. And one of those stops is taking the LSAT. The LSAT, otherwise known as the Law School Admission Test, is the most important test any prospective lawyer needs to take. It's also one of the most difficult tests that the student is going to take, and as such, they need to be properly prepared for it. To help our readers get the highest score possible on this test, we've decided to review some of the best...

Best Chess Books in 2022 – Reviewed

Check with any library or bookstore—both physical and online—and you're likely to find a tremendous amount of books written on chess. Some books are designed to teach beginners how to play chess, books that deal with either opening moves or end games, books on algebraic chess notation, and even books dedicated to teaching children how to play. How is a person supposed to find the best chess books available among thousands of different books? It's easy, especially if a person is reading this guide. We're going to go over the best books on chess currently available, so players and...

Best Kurt Vonnegut Books in 2022 – Reviewed

Although sadly Kurt Vonnegut is no longer with us, he has left us a treasure trove of novels, plays, works of non-fiction and short stories. It's such a formidable collection that it can be difficult for readers who are just now discovering him to find his best novels. Although in our humble opinion, it's almost impossible to decide which of his novels are the best, and not even the experts can agree on which books are the most important, we thought that we'd give it a try anywhere, so all of our readers can find the best Kurt Vonnegut...

Best Books For 3 Year Olds in 2022 – Reviewed

Three years old is a wonderful age for young readers. It's when most toddlers gain the skills they need to begin their reading journey. Children of this age can fully understand the difference between symbols, words, and pictures; they may already know a few letters; have attention spans that are better suited for following stories, and are capable of using their finger to follow along with the parent's reading text. With this particular set of skills, parents should make sure that they buy the right books for their children. To help parents achieve this goal, we've decided to list...